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Saturday, September 28, 2024 - Selichot Dinner, Film and Service - 5:30 P.M.

We begin our High Holy Day season with Selichot, a traditional night of introspection and prayer that draws us into the days of awe and renewal. In partnership with the Larry Hodes Movie Series, we will be screening “The Quarrel.” This riveting film focuses on the reunion of two friends after the Holocaust as they discuss their lives, their religion and an old quarrel that came between them. According to the author of the story on which the film is based, the two friends are a literary device for the internal struggle within every Jew living in a post-Holocaust world with all of its complexities and hopes for humanity. The film and deli dinner will be followed by discussion and a brief prayer service led by our clergy. 

Cost for Dinner - Members: $18
Cost for Dinner - Guests: $25
   Temple Members
Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785